Friday, February 15, 2013

looking at food with new eyes

I made this delicious penne pasta the day before Valentine's day--and it couldn't be any timelier with its luscious red color! For some reason the sauce combination I created resulted in a sauce with a bright red color. The meatballs were made of turkey and no Parmesan cheese so that my father (who can't eat dairy) could eat it. I've also taken care not to use a lot of oil in sauteing and used olive oil exclusively in frying the meatballs, though canola oil would be better to fry it with as olive oil can't handle heat as well as canola.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

look of the day: feb 14

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! A single lady in SL has no reason to cry and be lonely on this day of hearts as there are always lots of free things for us to collect and appease our addiction for gifts, specially for this particular day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

happy chinese new year!

It is taking a really long time for me to fully furnish my apartment in zenshi, mainly because I easily get distracted by new releases inworld, and offline, I had been getting sick to the stomach for some reason.