Thursday, December 20, 2012

bucket list for 2013...or beyond if i don't stop procrastinating!

It's 3AM here in the Philippines, and there are still no sign of the world ending. I guess it's not happening this year, huh?

So with that out of the way, and to have a really meaningful year, I'm going to write down my bucket list for 2013.

Provided that I don't procrastinate the whole year, I would be able to do this. What I'm having in this list will not be dependent of a lot of money being spent to fulfill the list, but will seek to take advantage of the time I am rich of. So here goes:

  1. Strive more to keep my date with Jesus (sometimes I skip my devotionals)
  2. See more of my friends.
  3. Earn money.
  4. Be more active in church.
  5. Publish my poems as an e-book.
  6. Listen to Grammar Girl's podcast more often.
  7. Write in this blog more often.
  8. Seriously lose weight.
  9. Get back to being crafty.
  10. Plant a tree, be more charitable.
  11. Be more faithful to my skincare routine.
  12. Scan old photos.
  13. Update my dad's music collection.
  14. Get a job and resuscitate my so-called professional career.
  15. Wear makeup more often.
  16. Do my own manicure and pedicure more often
  17. Polish that story I wrote when I was in grade school--and have it published as an e-book.
  18. Attend that Writer's Block class I've always wanted to attend.
  19. Speed Dating?
  20. Start running and stick to an exercise routine.
I guess there will be more stuff I want to do next year, but so far this is it...I hope I get to do everything--and if I procrastinate, I hope I can still get around to do MOST of them...:D

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