Sunday, December 30, 2012

Something I picked up at Vero Modero

I really should pay attention to monthly gifts from the groups I join. Sometimes I just forget...for instance, this fabulous gown from Vero Modero. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

bucket list for 2013...or beyond if i don't stop procrastinating!

It's 3AM here in the Philippines, and there are still no sign of the world ending. I guess it's not happening this year, huh?

So with that out of the way, and to have a really meaningful year, I'm going to write down my bucket list for 2013.

Provided that I don't procrastinate the whole year, I would be able to do this. What I'm having in this list will not be dependent of a lot of money being spent to fulfill the list, but will seek to take advantage of the time I am rich of. So here goes:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

virtual closet: Sam and Gia go on a danger zone by going tribal by the purple moon

Readers unfamiliar of my virtual clothing obsession won't have a clue of what's behind the title. It does really look like a racy title meant for a tabloid, and besides, I find it funny and you will probably like what I've put together this time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

VIRTUAL FASHION (Second Life): Mish Mash

Sometimes I like to wander around the grid just to shop and hunt for great deals. Over the years, freebies in SL has become more and more accessible without any compromise to quality. Hunts are pervasive gridwide and is part of SL culture and exclusive Marketplace deals are every shopaholic's dream.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

virtual writings: AVENUE Magazine September 2012

Hello Everyone,

AVENUE Magazine released its new issue last week with my article on fashion icon Vikeejaeh Xevion. Miss Xevion was one Second Life's group of models that pioneered the way for more unique and diverse-looking avatars in the grid.

a friendly little announcement

I've decided to put all of my writings in one blog. From now on, my Second Life posts will be on my personal blog. I find it pointless and tedious to post in TWO blogs.

This is to also make a personal statement that I AM ME wherever I go. Miss Issy may dress better, wear more makeup, and roam around more often than Ismelina, but it's still the same brain, heart and soul that's writing.

From now on, posts are not displayed in whole, and to read, you need to click "Read More" to jump to the whole post.


virtual living: My day in Second Life

Second Life has a lot of fun and diverse activities to offer and yet offer something really riveting and profound for the mind. 

For instance, Monday morning PST, I went online to look around at the newly launched exhibit, "And So She Danced" by Kylie Sabra & Olympes Rhode. It was a lovely exhibit of photographs with charming subjects and lovely verses. Sabra and Rhode's works are both captivating and looking at their work was a delight for the eyes.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

virtual life: interiors of my SL home

interiors by creme_brulee
interiors, a photo by creme_brulee on Flickr.
I'm a sucker for furniture and houses and I'm almost never without a home. I lived in many sims and experienced living in parcels big or small. I would stick to one kind of sim though, and that is of a beach theme. Perhaps its the Filipino sunlover in me, but I don't stay in the snowy mountains long.

Monday, September 10, 2012

social commentary ala issy: of tito sotto and our forgotten originality

I would tend to agree to the point that the internet age makes everything overblown. Sotto's plagiarism, though undeniably wrong, and his attitude, and our general reaction to it is, overblown. Yes what he did was wrong, we've embarrassed him already, he's shown his true colors about the situation, and in the process we discovered (or rediscovered) a lot of things about his past. I am sure because of what happened, most of us with our brains still working would decide to skip his name in the future polls.

But enough of kicking an already dead horse and let's move on....after this post, that is..:)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the RainThe Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven't written a proper review in years, so please bear with me. This review will also contain some spoilers.

My full review is after the jump, just click on the Read more link...:)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Me in Second Life circa 2007
The virtual world of Second Life is where I write and let my hair down. I've been a "resident" for a little over five years and it's the only virtual world I go to. The people here are just like you and me, albeit more creative and more able to make use of the platform for their own benefit.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why You do What You Do

"WYD, Why You Do What You Do, is a show that aims to inspire and motivate YOU to do what YOU want to do. The show does this by featuring artists, entrepreneurs and organizations that have transformed an idea into reality out of their passion for a certain craft. WYD believes in the intersection of YOUR passion and social responsibility." --About WYD

cooking: Korean Recipes I've yet to try

Behold, Korean recipes I've yet to try!

Bibimbap- my sister already made this and it seemed easy! yummy!

Jjangmyun-Korea's "spaghetti". Haven't tried this yet, and no Korean restaurant I know here serves it.

Korean Fried Chicken-a trendy dish here in the Philippines, double fried and yummy!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Experiments in the kitchen--Penne Pasta

This recipe consists of things left in my fridge and pantry. I'm in the midst of moving back to my parent's place, and I really needed to clear my fridge. I decided to use some of those things all at the same time so I can clear out my fridge faster. A great experiment that turned out tasty, plus it didn't take too much time to make. 

I ended up adding sugar on my sauce as I found it too tomato-ey for my taste. Some people like their tomato sauce very tomato-ey, some people like Filipinos like it sweet AND spicy. Because that's the way WE ARE, sweet and spicy at the same time...:P 

I wanted to add mushrooms and black olives, but I was cooking so late in the night and I don't think 7/11 has mushrooms. Sadly though, I don't have Parmesan Cheese (I don't think 7/11 has it either)...what's Italian cuisine without it? 


1/3 Bravo Tomato Garlic Dip
2 cans crushed tomato sauce
1 tbsp Star margarine garlic flavor
Italian seasoning
salt and pepper

1/2 kilo ground beef
Italian seasoning 
Bread crumbs
salt and pepper
1 egg

1. Heat tomato sauce, tomato garlic dip. 
2. Melt Star margarine
3. Add Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste
4. Mix sauce, penne, and meatballs, sprinkle Parmesan cheese, if you have it.

Anyway, cooking is something I really love, and I really like to read and write about it too. I really miss writing, and I used to do it as a side and get paid for it too. Money is not much, and it's virtual, but I relished it. I'm trying nowadays to regain my creativity, and it's a struggle sometimes when a lot of things occupy your mind.  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

First attempt at Lentil Soup

I simply love what I have done with this lentil recipe. I was intent on following a particular recipe only that when I have shopped for the items I need, I still couldn't find the other ingredients I needed. Lentils urgently neeeded to be cooked, so even though its my first time to cook lentil soup, I improvised and substituted.

I also ommited one key ingedient, but I wasn't crazy about that ingredient anyway--and instead of using white wine as specified, I used red wine (one of the letovers from one of those house parties). Then I also ended up adding more tomato sauce. So now I've completely changed the recipe....and it was good...:)
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

First attempt at Jap Chae (Korean Noodles)

I had a great time attempting my favorite Korean dish, which is Jap Chae. It's korean noodles in stir-fry carrots, spinach and scallions with soy sauce, some sugar and sesame oil. Best served with egg pictured...:)

The process is easy and doesn't take more than an hour once you are used to the process and have the recipe memorized by heart...:) I doubled the recipe that I found from my favorite Asian food blog Rasa Malaysia, which serves 2.

I'm trying my portion with a drop of chili oil, as I like a bit of heat to my food, not too bad for a first try. Definitely will be mastering this along with the bulgogi I have already tried.

I'll be trying Bibimbap next...:)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

dear self

Dear Self,

It has been a year of mixed blessings, with a LOT of trials, however you chose to put on your rose-colored glasses and sought to see the bright side of things. It wasn't easy, but it made you pray and reach out to your faith more. Many times before when you reach out, God was always there for you, and you were confident of His grace. The year that was managed to test that belief, and for a time, it shattered.

While He tested you on other things, rest assured He gave you much to be thankful for. Be thankful for that year, because it was when you have opened your heart fully, madly, and deeply to another person. You finally acknowledged your need for someone to love and stay with, you have him now and you will be spending the rest of your life with him.

So Self, 2012 will be an adventure filled with new experiences. Enjoy them, cherish them--AND please self, don't put on your rose-colored glasses too much this year so that you can still see everything as they are. You know the mixed dangers of putting on those glasses--it makes you blind to other areas, and almost got you sidetracked from your main goal of financial freedom. Thank goodness you've now learned not to keep them on too long before it damages other aspects of your life.

Self, continue to thrive on God's grace and believe on His promises. Don't let other things get in the way no matter what. If things get too difficult, ask help from friends and family you know won't lead you astray. They are God's tools to help you. Count your blessings and thank God for them.

Anyway Self, I could go on and on about how things should be--but that would take time. Time YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE. So with that, I end this letter of reflection and reminder, so that you can live it out. Try to be more organized ok? HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Love, Me